Acorn - Reception
Welcome to Acorn Class!
Ready Steady Grow!
Welcome to Spring term 2!
This term, our pivotal domain is 'Place and Time'.
Our enquiry questions this term will begin with "Where does our food come from?" and then "What does it mean to be healthy?"
Our key text for this half term is "Jack and the Beanstalk" by Maria Alperin.
Themed books are...
"Jack the Jelly Beanstalk" by Rachael Mortimer
"Jack and the Baked Beanstalk" by Colin Stimpson
"Jasper's Beanstalk" by Nick Butterworth
Our Christian value for this half term is 'Perseverance' and our learning is embedded around this theme.
In PSHE this terms whole school jigsaw piece is 'How to Stay Healthy.'
In Spring term 2 we will have PE on Wednesdays with Mrs Long.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Long