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Ruishton Church of England School

“For I know the plans I have for you…plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

Acorn - Reception

   Welcome to Acorn Class!


Let's go on an Adventure!


Welcome to Summer term 2!

The children will become little explorers as we go on an adventure and learn about climates, animals within those climates and their habitats! 

This term, our pivotal domain is 'Science and Technology '. 


Our key text for this half term is "Handa's Surprise" by Eileen Brown.  

Themed books are...

Questions and Answers about Animals by Katie Daynes 

The Most Important Animal of All by Penny Worms

Habitats by Hannah Pang


Our Christian value for this half term is 'Thankfulness' and our learning is embedded around this theme. 


In PSHE this terms whole school jigsaw piece is 'Changing Me.'


In Summer 2 we will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 


Thank you for your continued support. 


Mrs Long








