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Ruishton Church of England School

“For I know the plans I have for you…plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

Who's who

Gemma Maxwell has been in Early Years for 16 years and brings to the role a wealth of knowledge around child development, and teaching and learning.  Gemma will work within the Two Nursery settings to co-ordinate a shared strategy for EYFS across the Oak Partnership Trust. She will also provide support to schools in delivering the EYFS element of the Excellence Strategy, including the development of phonics, training and School Improvement consultancy.


Carly Penny , has worked for Woodlands since 2022 and during that time Cary progressed from Practitioner to Nursery Manager in 2023. Carly has been in the Trust for 6 years and has taken that time to develop her knowledge of child development and SEND. 


Carly is passionate that children experience the best care during their time at Nursery, by ensuring that high standards of teaching and learning are in place, and giving children the same opportunities to meet all children's need's. 


Hayley has been a member of woodlands for 5 years, in 2019 Hayley became our deputy manager. Hayley is also our SENDCO and is responsible for ensuring all children's needs are met, through offering equal opportunities and experiences to all. Hayley brings a wealth of knowledge to this role and is very passionate in ensuring all children who attend Woodlands are given the same opportunities and experiences in order to learn and develop. 
Hayley has a proven track record of obtaining support from outside agencies quickly and effectively, ensuring outcomes are met.




Hayley started with Woodlands in 2020 and has been in the Trust for 6 years. Hayley brings with her lots of experience in childcare. Hayley is very passionate and is always in search of ideas on how to support children and the setting alike. Hayley in addition to her practitioner role is the Phonics lead for the Nursey and is passionate about delivering high quality teaching. 

Sandra has been with Woodlands for 7 years.  Sandra brings with her lots of experience in childcare. Sandra is very passionate about children's outdoor learning and is the Nurseries Forest School Lead. 


Sandra recognises the importance of using the outdoor environment as a teaching space and ensure all children are given the opportunities to experience Forest schools and supports children in managing their own risk. 



Emily started with Woodlands in 2017 Emily brings with her lots of experience in childcare. Emily is the Physical development lead for the Nursery, Emily is very passionate and is always in search of ideas on how to support children's physical health and development.  Emily ensures that all children experience at least 30 minutes structured activity a day. 
