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Ruishton Church of England School

“For I know the plans I have for you…plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve


The governing body (Local School Committee) at Ruishton Church of England Primary School bring a wide range of different skills and experience. We are all enthusiastic and committed and have the education and well-being of the children at Ruishton at heart.

The main responsibility of a governing body is to ensure high school standards through the three key roles of setting strategic direction, particularly linking to our values and vision, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend.

Being a school governor can be an extremely rewarding experience. It gives the opportunity of playing an important part in improving the children’s education and also supporting the school’s staff.

NameCategory Of GovernorTerm of OfficeRoles and Responsibilities
Hannah CollierHeadteacher4.09.2023 - currentHeadteacher
Sandy GreenhamClerk to the Governors01.12.2022 - currentClerk
Reverend Lee MullenFoundation 01.09.2021 - currentChair, Pupil Premium and Ethos
Jasmine RichesFoundation & Vice Chairtbc - currentVice Chair, Safeguarding and Ethos
Matthew PeggSchool Staff21.04.2021 - currentTeacher
Carly PennyNursery Staff1.09.2023 - currentWoodlands Nursery Manager
Zoe RogersParenttbc - current 
James BreakwellParenttbc - currentHealth and Safety and Pupil Premium
Chantelle StirzakerCo-optedtbc - currentSEND & Looked After Children
Vacancy Staff (support)  
Past Governors:
Helen NewsteadHeadteacher1.4.2021 - 31.08.2023 
Luke KellyInterim Headteacher01.10.2020 - 01.04.2021 
Seonaid CurryElected Staff 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021 
James WalkerParent25.03.2019 - resigned 
Kimberley NicholasParent17.09.2019 - resigned 31.07.2021Chair
Jo BluntCo-opted04.11.2019 - resigned 01.09.2022 
Charleane HarperStaff (support)01.11.2020 - resigned 31.08.2022 
Bethan GuttridgeFoundationResigned July 2020 
Caroline El-AbbarCo-optedRole ended May 2020 


Governor Meeting Attendance Register

If you require the minutes of any Local School Committee meeting, please contact the Trust Governance Professional, Carole Buckhurst by emailing 
