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Ruishton Church of England School

“For I know the plans I have for you…plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

Key Information





Mr Pegg, Teacher

Mrs Stanford and Mrs Prewitt, Teaching Assistants


Reading Books

It is so important that your child reads at home on a regular basis. Please support your child in reading and engaging with a range of texts. All children should always have an independent reader book that they have chosen. All reading should be logged in your child’s reading record that they will be bringing home in the first week.



Homework will include weekly spellings and time spent practising times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars – fluency in times tables facts is the most important skill that will help your child to be efficient and progress in mathematics. Homework books will go home on a Friday and will be handed back in on the following Wednesday. Spellings will be tested each week on a Wednesday and can be found at the bottom of this page.



This term P.E will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. Children should come into school wearing their school P.E kit on these days. As the days get colder children can wear black leggings/tracksuit bottoms and a red school jumper.



As in previous years, children will have the opportunity to present to their peers on a topic of their choosing. The presentations needn’t last longer than 5 minutes and can include props, images, video clips or powerpoint slides. Hopefully this experience will help the children to build confidence in the skills needed to speak with authority on subjects they are passionate about. All children will have the opportunity to complete a second presentation in the spring term. Your child will be given their presentation date within the next couple of weeks.


Key dates for your diary

Monday 9th September – Ancient Greeks workshop with storyteller Steve Manning (in school)

Sunday  1st December - The Year 6 Candlelight Service

Monday 12th to Thursday 15th May – SATs week

Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd May – Year 6 residential to Kingswood, North Devon

Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th July (6pm) – Year 6 Production

Wednesday 23rd July (2pm) – Leavers’ Service



Autumn 1 Spelling Schedule
