Pupil Roles and Responsibilities
As a new initiative, this year children are invited to apply for a role of responsibility across the school. Currently, this includes the Ethos Team, Reading Champions, Digital Leaders, Eco Team and Pupil Voice.

Ethos – The Christian values, character and attitude that we aim to have as a school community to enable everyone to flourish
Our Pupil Ethos Leaders will be a group of children who will work together to promote our school values and Christian distinctiveness. They will meet every few weeks to discuss key topics and share ideas and feedback or collect views from our classes. Ethos leaders will encourage other pupils to join Ethos teams who will also have roles to carry out.
It will be the job of all Ethos Leaders and Ethos teams to represent the views of the rest of the school and to demonstrate the values and character of our school.

Awaiting update.

As part of the job role of Reading Champion, pupils will be representing each class and sharing their passion for all things reading. They will aim to inspire others to follow the reading journey of the school and communicating this with the wider community.

As part of the job of being an Eco Leader, children will have a vital role in ensuring everyone has a say in the school environment and its surroundings. Eco Leaders will regularly assess the use of resources, act as recycling monitors and ensure road safety at the beginning and end of each school day. They will also consider how to engage the local community and get them involved in Eco projects.

As part of the role for Digital Leader, children will be the link between classes, teachers and the senior leaders in promoting safe and effective digital technology use. They will play a vital role to ensure safety of all in school when using technology and hold some of the highest responsibilities working with the adults to improve e-safety. They will understand how to look after and maintain the technology we have in school.